You are not stuck, you are just progressing in binary.
This application is a small C++ program that utilizes the Boost library to encode and decode text. It features a graphical user interface (GUI) built with the wxWidgets ui library. The program serves as a simple demonstration of the bidirectional base64 encoding and decoding process.(Windows binary)
Personal Project
ASP.NET CORE MVC, C#, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, Railway
CM PRO DEMO SITEThe Contact Management Web Application is a robust and user-friendly solution developed using ASP.NET Core MVC framework. It serves as a centralized platform for managing and organizing contact information. The application allows users to store, retrieve, update, and delete contact details efficiently.
The Palindrome Checker Website is a captivating and interactive platform that allows users to test if a given string is a palindrome. A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or sequence of characters that reads the same backward as it does forward.
The FizzBuzz Challenge Showcase Website is an interactive platform that allows users to explore the popular FizzBuzz coding challenge. The challenge involves checking divisibility of two given values within a range of numbers (1 to 100) and printing corresponding messages based on the divisibility rules.
The String Reversal Showcase Website is a user-friendly platform that allows users to enter a string and instantly view the reversed version of that string. It provides a simple yet powerful tool for reversing strings and exploring the concept of string manipulation.
The Number Counting Showcase Website is a dynamic platform that allows users to input a starting number and an ending number, and then generates a table displaying the range of numbers between the two inputs. The program identifies even integers within the range and presents them in bold format for easy identification.
University Project
Python, Google Colab, Anvil
The Email Spam Classification System is a machine learning model that effectively classifies emails as either spam or not spam (ham). The model utilizes a decision tree classifier algorithm and has been trained using a dataset consisting of 5200 labeled emails.
University Project
The Mail Delivery Simulation is a custom-built system that simulates the delivery of 40 packages. It utilizes a custom hash map data structure and a greedy algorithm to determine an optimal path that satisfies all design requirements for efficient package delivery.
University Project
Java SE, JavaFX, MySQL
The Appointment Management System is a comprehensive application that includes various features to manage user accounts, customer accounts, time zones, localization (specifically in French), business hours, and reporting functionality. Users of the system can search for appointments based on various criteria such as appointment ID, username, customer name, and date range.
University Project
Java SE, JavaFX
The Parts and Products Inventory Management System is a user-friendly application that allows users to manage parts, products, and inventory levels. The system features an intuitive user interface that is connected to a database, enabling users to create, delete, and search for parts and products based on their names and IDs.